• Natalie

Natalie Hood

Office Manager

Natalie is a savvy somebody; born to tried and true DIY’ers. From the time she was small, she‬ understood that anything could be built through determination and a willingness to learn.‬ She moved to Asheville in 2002 with a relocating mom-and-pop picture framing company. Over‬ two decades under its wing, she mastered the craft of conserving and beautifying all mediums‬ of art; while assisting to improve business systems and execute administrative tasks. In 2010,‬ that accumulated knowledge energized her to co-create and operate an art and craft shop with‬ a focus on upcycled, reclaimed materials. It was a four year venture that challenged her‬ tenacity. She would eventually return to art handling and preservation; additionally seizing the‬ opportunity to assist with exhibit installations. Today she is managing the books and lending a‬ hand to keep a top-notch woodshop running smoothly. She is excited to journey alongside‬ Architectural Woodcraft’s dynamic owners and skilled craftsmen.‬ ‭