Matt Morrissey
For as long as Matt can remember he has been immersed in the woodworking craft. Starting at the age of three he watched his father craft a sixteen foot sailing dory unaware that the seeds of a lifetime of woodworking and carpentry had been planted. At the age of sixteen, following in his father’s footsteps he built an ultra-light canoe and various other projects throughout high school. In 1990 he attended Ferris State University in Michigan to pursue a degree in construction management. Matt came to find his passions lay more in the woodworking craft he had loved throughout his life, rather than the broader field of construction. After a few years of traveling in a 1973 VW Beetle he landed in the great town of Asheville in 1994. Over the last 24 years he has put his heart and soul into designing and building custom cabinetry, furniture, doors, windows, and wood products throughout Asheville.